Using Mobilia? Make your slider compatible with the ShortCodes App. Here's How.

There are two additional pieces of code you'll need to paste into your Mobilia theme.

First, make sure you've installed the Shortcodes JS by following the instructions here:

Then, only if you're using the Mobilia Theme, add these:

1) Add this code right after the Shortcode JS  that you've just added on theme.liquid, before </head>: (<--- click that link to get the code)

3) Go to app.js.liquid
Find this: (<--- click that link to get the code)
Replace it with this: (<--- click that link to get the code)


We found some minor incopatabilities between the Shortcodes JavaScript and the Mobilia Theme's JavaScript used to load the image sliders.   It's minor, but better to fix up.  That's all to it!

Stuck? [email protected].

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